Commission Members – 4 Year Terms
  • R. Wayne Willey, Chairperson (2025)
  • Robert Siodlowski, Vice Chairperson (2024)
  • Scott Steffan, Secretary (2025)
  • Amanda Parrish (2024)
  • Barbara Roddin (2027)
  • Garth Wales (2026)
  • Eric Clancy (2026)

On November 1, 1960, the Upper Allen Township Board of Supervisors established a Zoning and Planning Commission for the Township. The commission consists of five (5) Township residents. On December 9, 1974, the Board of Commissioners changed the name to the Planning Commission and increased the size of the Commission from five (5) to seven (7) members. The Board of Commissioners appoints members of the Planning Commission, who must be residents of the Township, to a four-year term.

The Planning Commission is an advisory board. Commission members play a major role in advising and providing recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on matters of community growth and development. The Planning Commission reviews all applications for subdivision and land development plans as well as, by request of the Board of Commissioners, Conditional Use and Zoning Amendment applications.

The Planning Commission normally meets the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Allen Township Municipal Building, unless otherwise listed.  Meeting Minutes will be posted online after approval by the commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Applications are due the first business day of each month.

Click here for meeting agendas and minutes.